Saturday, February 12, 2011

Don't Panic Over NFL Labor Talks ... Yet

Oh my goodness!! It’s over!! Talks broke down between the owners and players!! Reports say the two sides are miles apart. Are you reading these statements? There will never be a deal!! No football in 2011!!

Let’s all just slow down and take a deep breath. Actually, make that multiple deep breaths. It is going to be a long, emotional, zany, frustrating couple of weeks.
Lucky for you, I have great editors at, who suggested that I write a fans’ guide to the labor situation heading up until March 4. We will attack it with a “Joe Six Pack” approach. We will tell you what to look for and when to look for it; when to ignore the madness and when to go absolutely bonkers.

Catch the Super Bowl but miss some of the commercials? Check out all the winners and losers here.

Grab a cold one. Take a seat. I’ll walk you through the next four weeks.

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